Monday, January 05, 2009

Too much to title

So my mind is racing... too many things to say and no title would do them justice.

So I'm playing Halo with my son and thinking that it reminds me of my Christian life... Here I am, a Spartan who is wearing super armor (the sword of the spirit and the shield of faith) and I am battling through each day fighting against the schemes of the enemy. Around every turn there is a brute with an accusation trying to kill me by stealing my joy and side tracking my trust in the one true king. My companions are ever present, providing me with weapons like the Word of God, Prayer and words of encouragement. Step by step I walk the path set before me battling the enemy and with every step I endeavor to become more like my Jesus. I am Commander Lonnie, Master Chief of the Vineyard Community Church in Gilbert!

It is hard going back to work after being off for two weeks... but I find that I miss my work mates. I find that I have have grown fond of them and have a genuine desire to make a difference in their lives. It goes way beyond the whole work environment, its become personal. I find that I care about them and their families. Its weird... but it shouldn't be.

I find myself struggling with wanting to do or say something inspirational, but as I search, I can't come up with anything to say. I feel like I want to write a poem or song or something, but I don't have the creativity to pull it off. I have been listening to a lot of Skillet songs and have found them to be filled with truth and artistic qualities. I feel like I want to say something that evokes emotion like some of the songs that Skillet has done... doesn't make much since does it.

Makes me think of a time when someone prophesied over me, saying that I would do some creative things and that I was a creative person. I have tried hard in my own power to make that prophesy come true... maybe because I want it to be true so badly. Perhaps I should cool it and let the Lord do what He wants, so I can just sit back and see what happens.

I got my book today for the Church history book club... I need to be reading about 22 pages per day in order to get through it on time. I don't think it will be too hard to get through, although I don't feel much like reading tonight. If only I could put the book under my pillow and  gain the knowledge from it via osmosis or something... that would be cool. I would have a different book under my pillow every night.

Have I mentioned that I am part of an awesome small group? Well, I am! I stay in t0uch with most of them via Facebook and its a  really cool thing. I feel like I know them and I feel like they care about me. I posted about having to go to the hospital last night and I got a ton of "I'm praying for you" messages. I can't thank all of you enough.

My wife and I were talking last night... she tells me that she can understand why people are afraid of or intimidated by me, because of the way I look and act. It seems so strange to me that I can have one view of myself on the inside and that people can have such a different view of me on the outside. Actually I think I have used this to my benefit, keeping people at a distance, pretty weird huh?

I have likely said too much already.... I better go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of intimidating, I still have this picture in my mind of you wearing your sunglasses on the back of your shaved head, at the Vineyard in San Jose...arms crossed, looking very imposing and strong. Someone one wants on one's side ;-)

It is cool indeed to read your blog and see what's going on inside your head :-) Thanks for the encouragement of walking steadfastly with God and loving your wife and family. Great to read about.