Saturday, January 03, 2009

Cleaning the garage

It is interesting that when you clean the garage, that you feel better about a lot of things. Cleaning things out helps you to take stock of what you have and also allows you to throw out those things that are no longer needed. I feel better after having spent the time doing the work of sorting through the things that have just been taking up space.

In our lives, I think we can all benefit from doing a little cleaning and organizing. Looking at those things that once seemed so important to us and evaluating whether they still hold our attention. Year after year our passions change and the things that we once held dear become a thing of the past. It could be that there is simply a season for all things or it may simply be that as we mature we place emphasis on different things. Like growing a garden, it is important to spend time removing the weeds, those things that hinder growth.

While cleaning things out, I find things that were so very valuable to me as nothing more than stuff that takes up space. I find more joy in the simplicity of having less to deal with and having more time for the things that my heart is drawn towards.

My time is short and needs to be focused on those things that are most important and should not be spent maintaining things that are of little importance. As hard as it is, I need to learn to say no to some things and to say yes to others. I trust that God will provide guidance and will lead me toward those important things and away from those time wasters of the past.

1 comment:

Bryant said...

Wow man...I give that an amen!

I've been learning a little about this, and I'm sure I wont stop learning any time soon.

It's amazing the way God can change our hearts for things, situations, and even other people.

He is good.